National health accounts of Armenia, 2013

National health accounts of Armenia, 2013

National health accounts of Armenia, 2013

National Health Accounts represent the flow of expenditures in both the public and private sectors of the country’s healthcare sector. It describes the sources, use and flow of funds in the health sector. Health services in Armenia are funded from the following sources: From the state budget of the Republic of Armenia, the budgets of local communities, external donor organizations (international organizations), humanitarian aid funds, private organizations, household funds and other sources. These funds are passed directly or indirectly to financial agents, and from there to final health care providers. Based on the need for international standardization of health expenditure accounting, the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Statistical Office (Eurostat), has developed a methodological guide to NHA. Based on the above methodology, national health accounts have been compiled in Armenia since 2005. This report is intended for healthcare system organizers, healthcare professionals, and other healthcare professionals interested.